
by agatanga

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{0} You are going to mark ":string" string as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?|[1,*] You are going to remove ":string" string from all translation files (:count) and mark it as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?
{0} You are going to mark ":string" string as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?|[1,*] You are going to remove ":string" string from all translation files (:count) and mark it as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?
Vova Yatsyuk 1 year ago
{0} You are going to mark ":string" string as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?|[1,*] You are going to remove ":string" string from all translation files (:count) and mark it as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure? {0} You are going to mark ":string" string as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?|[1,*] You are going to remove ":string" string from all translation files (:count) and mark it as non-translatable across the project. Are you sure?
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